Rabu, 27 Agustus 2008

Rembulan Tenggelam Di Wajahmu

"an awesome book for an awesome person"
written by a friend in the first page of the book
"u must read it...." she said.


i do under estimate the book at first. The title, the cover design....really not my type
its only because i already gave my promised to read it.

but what i found behind all that i categorize as "not my type", is something different.

if u ever watch WANTED, then i hope you will agree with me if i said that the moral message in this book is almost
similar with what the movie said.

the idea is about how we,connected each others...
about how what we do, connect and influenced others...weaved each other in a complex relations.

almost, i said.
because The Fraternity in WANTED interpretate those connection with arrogance.
sounds silly if they thought they had a right to kill others, only based on weaving errors of the fabric.

while the book, interpretate in a humble.
and said that those connectivity is always meaningfull
that no matter how small it is, what we do is affect others.
that every question has an answer.
only if you could just open your heart.
Because live is fair. Always fair.
Because HE is there. Always there.

read it,
open your heart.
and you will know what i mean.

best part :
"kalau Tuhan menginginkannnya terjadi, maka sebuah kejadian pasti terjadi, tidak peduli seluruh isi langit-bumi bersekutu menggagalkannya....Sebaliknya, kalau Tuhan tidak menginginkannya,maka sebuah kejadian niscaya tidak akan terjadi, tak peduli seluruh isi langit-bumi bersekutu melaksanakannya...
Kejadian buruk itu datang sesuai takdir langit...hanya ada satu hal yang bisa mencegahnya...satu hal!sama seperti siklus sebab-akibat sebelumnya, yaitu berbagi!. Ya, berbagi apa saja dengan orang lain. Tidak, sebenarnya berbagi tidak bisa mencegahnya secara langsung, tetapi dengan berbagi, kau akan membuat hatimu damai...hanya orang - orang dengan hati damailah yang bisa menerima kejadian buruk dengan lega.
hanya orang - orang berhati damailah."

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